The Worst SEC Teams in History: Last 50 Years

Posted by JESSI SHARPE on August-5-2009 Add Comments
Sometimes we just need our loved one's to hold us. Oh how we SEC fans hate going through the bad years with our teams. Most SEC football teams have enjoyed alot of success through the years, and when our teams are on top we forget very quickly how bad it used to be. Well what do you say we do some reminiscing. Not just about the championships but about how far our teams have come out of the holes they dug themselves into at times. In the following slides we will preview the worst season's for all 12 of the SEC schools. I will try to rank them, but please dont be offended if your team gets the worst ever nod. I only did one season for each team so I wouldn't just be picking on the less dominant teams of the conference. So let's go ba...

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