The Five Downright Scariest Players in the SEC

Posted by Larry Burton on July-27-2009 Add Comments

Teams in the SEC don't scare me as much as certain athletes. These are people who can singlehandedly steal a game. So, in no particular order, here are the five scariest people in the SEC.


Trindon Holliday, LSU

I hold my breath when I see him with the ball. If you give Holliday the smallest hole or you make the slightest misstep, you're left grabbing air.

Whether he's returning punts or kicks, catching passes, or lining up at running back, he's danger with a capital "D."

Holliday is the fastest player in college football, maybe the fastest ever. At 5'5" and 165 pounds—soaking wet—he's not going to run over anyone, but he will run away from everyone.

Why LSU doe...

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