Texas A&M Football and The Spirit Of Aggieland

Posted by Jeff Shull on July-30-2009 Add Comments

There just isn't anything like the spirit of Aggieland in College Station, TX. For those who question it, there is but one answer:

They haven't been here yet.

Texas A&M has the best student section in the country. 30,000 students stand for three and a half hours in the blazing heat, shouting yells at the top of their lungs. Now that's dedication.

Some may scoff at the fact that we have no cheer leaders, but there is nothing like 85,000 people screaming in unison on a Saturday afternoon.

The spirit goes beyond the football team; I still get chills when I look at the picture of Kyle Field after the tragedy of 9/11, when students from each deck were told to "red, white, and blue out" to honor our country (it'...

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