SEC Football West Preview: Battle at the O.K Corral

Posted by Seth Bowman on August-23-2009 Add Comments

The ol' west is filled with stories and adventures that have been translated into movies; stories that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Most everyone can recall the famous battle at the O.K Corral between characters like Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday, and the Tombstone Cowboys. If you're not familiar with the story, then perhaps you haven't seen the movie Tombstone starring Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer.

In the movie and folk story, the two groups shot relentlessly at each other for 30 seconds in a treacherous battle (longer in the movie), and is regarded as the most famous gunfight story in western history.

This upcoming 2009 SEC Football season is going be much the same. It's going to be a...

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