Ohio State’s Open Practice a Real Buckeye Opener For Optimistic Football Fans

Posted by Russell Wight on August-25-2009 Add Comments

The weather could not have been more perfect for Ohio State's open practice last night at Ohio Stadium. This was my second year attending the event that serves as a real eye-opener that summer is coming to a close and football is right around the corner.

Despite the gorgeous scenery and free admission, the crowd was estimated to be a lot smaller than last year. However, that did not have an impact on the enthusiasm as the fans cheered every catch in the corner of the end zone and every kick that split the uprights.

As usual, Brutus Buckeye was a major attraction for fans both young and old. He posed for pictures, signed autographs, and caused many youngsters to form a big smile.

It's great to see grandparents, parent...

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