Nine Ways to Know Your Game ‘Buddy’ Is a Loser

Posted by Dale Weaver on August-25-2009 Add Comments

You waited years for season tickets.

You’ve tailgated with friends…only having to ’man-the-gate’ when it’s time for the game. And although not upset as you watch them walk away with laughter and smiles…a small brick of disdain is mortared to your wall of covetousness.

But as the football gods extend mercy, the day finally comes when you’re notified that you can purchase seats to your Holy of Holies.

The clouds part as sunshine beams upon your face…an angelic ‘aaaaaawwwwhhhhh’ whispers down…singing with majestic pitch.

Finally! You are free to enjoy the crackle of excitement first hand…without having to watch your gladiators on the TV&...

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