Big 12 Office: Offensive linemen holding is ignored by Big 12 Referees!

Posted by Andy Purvis on July-27-2009 Add Comments

I am an old Big 8/Big 12 fan and over the last few years, especially as the Big 12 has turned into a fantasy football league of pigskins flying like mallards in duck season, something has struck me. 

Big 12 officials largely ignore offensive line holding penalties, even the outright and obvious WWF, clothelines, strangle hold take downs.

Yeah, yeah, I know. 

Holding can be called on the offensive line nearly every play.  I am astute enough and have watched more than enough football in my day to know and understand that old adage.

But, from what I have seen over many years, it is getting ridiculous! At least that is, in the Big 12.

This isn't a thought that I just recently formulated. No, ...

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