A Kansas Jayhawk Fan Forever

Posted by J.D. Schaller on October-19-2009 Add Comments

I sat down today in front of my trusty PS2, popped in NCAA Football 2006 (sadly, the most recent of my available options), and ran a quick-play of KU against Colorado on the junior varsity setting.

It felt good to avenge the Jayhawks, to win big, and most of all to be in control.

That control factor and sense of complete personal achievement are the biggest reasons I love playing NCAA Football 2006, and are what make all video games great.

Conversely (and ironically), it is the lack of any such abilities and feelings that make real football so beautiful as well.

Seeing that football pop off of some defensive back's helmet and out of Dezmon Briscoe's sure grip was nothing short of agony. Those painful...

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