Northern Iowa’s Ali Farokhmanesh Proves His Invincibility in Win against Kansas

Posted by Bret Feddern on March-20-2010 Add Comments

When Northern Iowa's Ali Farokhmanesh nailed a three—point shot with 35 seconds left in the game, the vein in Bill Self's forehead nearly exploded.

With a one—point lead and 32 seconds left on the shot clock, Farokhmanesh really had no business spotting up for a three—point shot.

Most coaches would say he should have held on to the ball, waited for the team to catch up and run out the time left on the shot clock.

But why run out the clock when there's a wide open look at a basket he has made almost 150 hundred times in his career?

"You can't be serious with that shot," shouted CBS broadcaster Dan Bonner after the ball hit nothing but net.

He was and he made it look easy. Some ...

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