Is MiQuale Lewis the Best College Football Player That You Never Heard Of?

Posted by Calvin W Boaz on July-27-2009 Add Comments

Most bowling balls live a mundane life. They only roll down lanes and knock over pins.

Human bowling balls also tend to go through life inconspicuously, but tend to enjoy life a lot more. This statement is especially true when they play college football.

In Muncie, IN, there is a human bowling ball that plays running back for the Ball State Cardinals, who goes by the name of MiQuale Lewis.

Not only is Lewis a human bowling ball, he is part invisible man.

At 5'6", Lewis hides behind his offensive linemen, until he finds a hole to sneak through. By the time the defense realizes where he is, Lewis is already in the process of running over an opponent. 

Just like a bowling ball, Lewis comes with a hook...

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