Alabama-Auburn Rivalry Gets Uglier, and More Internet-Savvy, By the Day

Posted by Douglas Webb on August-5-2009 Add Comments

It is without a doubt the most heated rivalry in all of college football. The opposing fan bases find each other revolting. They accuse each other of, well pretty much everything. What exactly is it that causes them to dislike each other so strongly?

It's not the coaches, at least it never used to be. It wasn't uncommon in the old days for Shug and The Bear to sit down and have a drink together. They had a lot of respect for each other and what each had been able to accomplish at their respective schools.

Whether it was taking part in charity events, playing golf together, or going bird hunting, the two coaches from the Golden Age of college football cared a lot about each other. They also cared a lot about the two univers...

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